early access member sign up

member rewards

origins member digital wallet pass mock up


  • be the first to know about upcoming origins events
  • enjoy early access before 12am
  • live radio show streaming event invites
  • attend consecutive events to earn free guest passes for friends
  • 20% discounts on table reservations
  • earn bar credits and free table service


  • first access to new origins studio and live recordings
  • private origins channel/chat access
  • submit music & video content and win shared-post features and mentions on origins social platforms
  • free record pre-releases (digital)


  • 25% lifetime discount on limited edition origins apparel
  • earn gifted gear by attending consecutive events
  • first access to new styles and artist capsule collections


  • earn free uber credits for your next night out
  • win uber VIP trips
  • earn invitations to dj dinners & artist meet and greets